
ne cede malis: poem for the seal

of the borough of the bronx


audio:  from the banks of brook avenue

This page contains audio files of  w r rodriguez reading   from the banks of brook avenue.

If  you prefer to read the poems while listening to the audio, you can use the Listen and Read  menu above, or you can click on one of these three links:

               Section I                                                 Section II                                                  Section III

If you prefer audio only, click the triangles on the grid below to play the recordings.

after seeing night of the living dead

on the coping

she is leaving but

liberation: the brook avenue parking meter quartet

avenue b, 14th street, looking south

what could have more impact than a bus

the push and break and chase of it

plaza of the undented turtle

the third avenue el: II. 1920

the third avenue el: III. 1955


washington comes to visit

grandfather: a photograph

bootblacks on the loose


welcome to the mainland

p.s. 43

cypress avenue


the tire man


the third avenue el: I. 1886

the third avenue el: IV. 1973

standing upon the fordham road bridge

from the banks of brook avenue  is available as an e-publication from Smashwords


america's favorite pastime


forbidden places

a moon full and cold

just another new york city subway near death experience

yankee kitchen

the beach beneath the bridge


a small but perfect world

the fountain of youth

yankee fan

the gambling leaguers

lost again on old subways

randall's island

triborough bridge: suspension

triborough bridge: stasis

triborough bridge: genesis

triborough bridge: kinesis

astoria park

the banks of brook avenue