Village Streets, by Mary Ann McDonnell, is available as an e-publication.
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Sample poems from Village Streets by Mary Ann McDonnell
Village Streets
These are the streets we walked along
A long time ago.
I walk them now alone.
I look in shop windows we looked in then—
“Old George's antiques.”
I see he sold a few pieces.
Ah, but the Chinese console table
With the patina of dust
Is still just as it always was.
I can still see your face so clearly darling—
I don't think I'll ever walk down this street again.
Like George's Chinese table
I find
Some memories are best left, undisturbed,
Covered gently with dust.
--Mary Ann McDonnell © 1991
Hm! I Wonder About You Silly Clown
You there, silly clown in your harlequin suit—
What are you laughing at?
You have the world on a string
You silly old thing,
Dancing around in a sawdust ring.
Actor, mime, mummer,
What are you really thinking?
Are you laughing with us, or at us?
You obnoxious cuss
Riding through towns in a carnival bus.
Are you just passing through,
To leave us a laugh?
Are you hiding a tear on your funny clown face?
Are you really no different than us?
Do you hurt sometimes?
Are there days when you're very, very happy?
Are there days when you feel so blue you could die?
Clowns aren't supposed to cry
So you don't—
I often wonder about you, dear silly clown.
--Mary Ann McDonnell © 1991
Some Things Old Men Do, Day In And Day Out
Very early in the morning
They rise
Tread familiar steps
To the bathroom
Perform their ablutions
Put on the coffee pot
Spread generic jam
On generic bread
Reread last night's newspapers
Talk to the bird
Feed the cat
Take the dog out
Exchange a few words
With their young neighbors hurrying off to work
Back to the house
Water the plants
Some of them (promised their wives they would
The wives who died first
Leaving them alone)
They take out the garbage
Throw the spread across the bed
Take books back to the library
The laundry can wait till tomorrow
Old men are busy, busy, busy
Attending to all the tasks
That hurry their days
Till the ten p.m. news
Then they can wind the clock
And tomorrow they must
Take the laundry
--Mary Ann McDonnell © 1991
Girl On Saint Mark's Place
See her
See how slowly she walks,
So slow
So tired,
Not yet twenty—so old!
A child, girl child, old woman—
Drying fast, flower in an autumn garden,
Withering, drying into dying,
Here on the street before our eyes.
She was so fragile, so beautiful, so fair—
Now see her there—
Aged by frenzied, rushing, crushing
Life sucking mad hours.
She is dying, right here
For all the world to see
Right here on St. Marks place.
--Mary Ann McDonnell © 1991
The audio of Mary Ann McDonnell reading her poetry was recorded around 1990 on a cassette and converted into mp3 format in 2020.
Village Streets
What Do Little Boys Keep In Old Cigar Boxes?
Why treasures of course!
Aggies, glassies, and cat eyes
Cola caps filled with wax for corner-to-corner, skelly
Priceless cards of Whitey Ford, Mickey Mantle, Hodges
and Joltin' Joe DiMaggio.
Yes lots and lots of magical things—
A two-ply weight of good kite string
Assorted fishing weights and flies
Two broken pen knives with Empire State and
Niagara Falls painted right on them
Some bubble gum hard enough to break a tooth
A rubberband that will never expand
A medal all dull with a ribbon decrepit
Won years ago at the Fourth of July Community Fest
Two ticket stubs to a Yankee game
A rusty jew's harp and a cracked kazoo
Yes sirree—
Little boys keep all their “good stuff”
In old cigar boxes—
I thought you knew . . .
--Mary Ann McDonnell © 1991
Things Old Men Do,
Day In And Day Out
Girl On Saint Mark's Place
Hm! I Wonder About You Silly Clown
What Do Little Boys Keep
In Old Cigar Boxes